วันอังคารที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

v. adj. to describe graph / chart

There are specific verbs, adjectives and adverbs that can help you describe these changes.

Going Up
  • rose
  • increased
  • went up
  • grew

Going Down

  • decreased
  • fell
  • dropped
  • declined

No Change

  • stayed the same
  • remained constant
  • levelled off
  • stabilised

Up and Down

  • fluctuated
  • zig-zagged
  • fluttered
  • undulated

Small Changes - Adjectives / Adverbs

  • gently
  • gradually
  • slightly
  • steadily

Big Changes - Adverbs / Adjectives

  • suddenly
  • sharply
  • dramatically
  • steeply
  • a lot

Low Points

  • bottomed out
  • reached a low
IELTSRose (to)
Increased (to)
Went up (to)
Climbed (to)
A rise
An increase
An upward trend
A boom (a dramatic rise)
IELTSFell (to)
Declined (to)
Decreased (to)
Dipped (to)
Dropped (to)
Went down (to)
Slumped (to)
Reduced (to)
A decrease
A decline
A fall
A drop
A slump (a dramatic fall)
A reduction
IELTSLevelled out (at)
Did not change
Remained stable (at)
Remained steady (at)
Stayed constant (at)
Maintained the same level
A levelling out
No change
 Fluctuated (around)
Peaked (at)
Plateaued (at)
Stood at (we use this phrase to focus on a particular point, before we mention the movement, for example:
In the first year, unemployment stood at … )
A fluctuation
Reached a peak (of)
Reached at plateau (at)

